Our School
Map to Madison Middle School
The middle school years are a time for growing, changing, and learning. Our goal is to have a school where every student can learn and each person is respected, valued, and challenged. We want to celebrate the diversity which makes each child special.
Academic Expectations
The New Mexico Public Education Department requires each student in middle school to master a series of academic competencies. Nine-week and semester grades, which are a combination of daily class grades, quiz and test scores, and other assignments, indicate progress towards competency mastery. A final exam, class project, or presentation may be given in each class for each semester, which may also aid in determining competency progress each year.
Students are required to complete all assignments, attend class regularly, and participate in each class. Plagiarism, or the using of another’s written/copyrighted work as your own will not be tolerated. Consequences are defined on the Discipline Matrix. Students are expected to obey the rules and become a responsible member of the Madison Middle School community of learners.
Madison Middle School will focus on rigorous academics in preparation for life and higher learning.
Madison Middle School will challenge students to grow through classes that utilize projects, collaboration and technology.
Madison Middle School
Located at: 3501 Moon St. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111
- Email: madisonms@aps.edu
Please use only for general inquiries. Do not report absences or request appointments.
- School: 8:00 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.
- Office: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Contact Information
Main Number: (505) 299-4735
- Fax: (505) 299-1402
- Attendance: (505) 299-4735
- Counseling Office: (505) 299-4735 ext. 30803
- Special Education: (505) 299-4735 ext. 30804
- MMS Health Office: (505) 299-4735 ext. 30806
- Library: (505) 299-4735 ext. 30816
- Cafeteria: (505) 298-7887
- APS Police: (505) 243-7712
- APS Transportation: (505) 880-3989 ext. 0
- APS Bus Company: (505) 298-6831