APS Student Handbook Links
Madison Student Handbook
Handbook Essentials
Parents must call in each day the student is absent at 505-299-4735. Absences may also be reported through ParentVue.Please give the student’s name, grade level, the reason for the absence, the name of the person calling and his/her relationship to the student. If no reason is given, or if no call is made, the absence will be considered unexcused. The voicemail system will answer from 3:30 pm to 7:30 am or if we are busy. Your message will be taken as soon as possible.
Note: School Messenger will call for ALL ABSENCES from the classroom. i.e. UNEXCUSED and EXCUSED: field trips, doctor appointments, illness, etc. whether you have called the school or not. If you listen carefully, the call should tell you the reason that has been documented in the computer. Call us if you have any questions.
Absences may be excused for the following reasons with appropriate documentation: Doctor’s Appointment, Illness, Family Emergency, Death in Family, Religious Commitment, Tribal Obligations, College Visit, and Deployment of a Military Parent/Guardian.
Family vacations taken during the school year are considered unexcused absences.It is expected that the family will schedule vacations during periods of time when school is not in session. Regular attendance is a necessity for two reasons: (1) it is required by state and federal law, and (2) it is essential to the student’s success, enjoyment, and achievement in school.
To be dismissed early, the parent/guardian or emergency contact must report, with photo I.D, to the Attendance Office before the student may leave campus. An I.D. is mandatory when signing out a student. Should a student have an emergency, the student should report to the office.
Note: Students should be reminded that they are NOT to leave campus for any reason once they have arrived at school.
Dress Code
Our dress code is very basic and if students follow this simple guideline, there should be no issue.
Dress Code and Situational Appropriateness
We understand students at this age use fashion to express themselves and trends become part of preteen/teen culture. It is important for a school to understand and acknowledge this and guide students as they navigate through this developmental stage. The dress code can be a great way to do this when it is coupled with teaching them about situational appropriateness. Situational appropriate means setting some guidelines and teaching students the appropriate behavior for any given situation. In other words, helping students to develop good judgement for all situations and settings they encounter. It is our responsibility as a school to help them develop this key life skill so they become more responsible and mature students of our school community and as they grow into young adults.
Students who violate the dress code may face the following:
They may be asked to turn their shirt inside out or change into another shirt if it has inappropriate images or words on it or does not cover the area indicated on the image above.
Parent/guardian will be contacted and may have to bring the student a change of clothes, if necessary.
If a student continues to violate the dress code, they will be assigned lunch detention and parent contact will be made.
Electronics/Cell Phones
Madison is a Cell Phone Free Zone
Cell phone AND/OR electronic device use is not permitted on campus during school hours. Your phone should be off and in your backpack during the school day, NOT in your pocket. Earbuds and headphones should be kept in your backpack unless your teacher has given you permission to use them for schoolwork during class.
Students with a cell phone out risk it being confiscated and turned into the office.
1st Offense: Confiscated and turned into the office until the end of the day--student can pick it up after the bell rings at 2:50
2nd Offense: Confiscated and turned into the office until the end of the day--parent/guardian must pick it up after the bell rings at 2:50
3rd Offense: Confiscated and turned into the office. It will be placed in the front office safe for one week.
- 4th Offense: Confiscated and turned into the office. It will be placed in the front office safe for the rest of the semester.
School personnel assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage of personal items brought to school.
Parents who drive their students to school should enter the campus on Moon at the "Parent Pick-up/Drop-off entrance that is located at the southernmost border of the campus. Students can then be picked up/dropped off on the South side of the school (basketball courts) or on the West side of campus. Parents should continue following the road until exiting the campus on Comanche.
Parents are not to drive into the North or East parking lots to drop-off or pick-up their child as this creates traffic jams and safety hazards.